Offering a store where employees can shop and buy items is a great way to add motivation and fun to your Contact Center. NGNInsights our award-winning gamification and performance platform comes with a built-in store where you can add any item and award your employees with coins to shop with. This store includes inventory control and even can track if an employee needs to return an item for a refund. If you haven’t already taken advantage of our offer for an AI data analysis from NGNInsights you can learn more about that here.
Having a store is just the beginning though. What if you have a limited (or zero) budget to put items in the store? What if you already do monthly raffle tickets and don’t want to make a major change to a system that is already working? How do you make the most out of a Contact Center employee store?
My top 10 tips I have complied working with hundreds of Contact Center companies over the last few years.
1 - Have a Fair System That Rewards Key Performance

2 - Track Progress

3 - Low Budget but High Value Items
• VIP Parking Pass (think 90’s cult movie Office Space)
• Extra Break
• Extended Lunch Time
• PTO Coupon
• Get of Jail Card to Remove any Schedule Adherence Violations

4 - Promote Company Culture
Company logo branded items can be very popular. My favorite hoodie is from a company I worked for 10 years ago that is unfortunately no longer in business. Hoodies, hats, polo or t-shirts and coffee mugs are everyday items that employees enjoy using while representing your Contact Center.
These items can also be a sense of pride as employees know they were earned over time and quality work performance.

5 - Use Raffle Tickets to Offer Higher Ticket Items

6 - Make it Easy to Use
This was an item that came directly from a Contact Center employee when I asked for some feedback in writing this article. It makes a lot of sense. The last thing you want is to put time, money, and effort into a Contact Center employee store and find that your employees aren’t using it because it is too confusing to find or navigate.

Employees use NGNInsights everyday to track their performance and have easy access to browse the store and to see their coin balance. Employees can look at detailed ledger reports to see how and when they have earned their coins and what they have purchased.
7 - Offer a Variety of Items

8 - Encourage Healthy Competition by Offering a Limited Number of Key Items
By offering a key or highly desired item in a limited quantity, you create a healthy competition between employees to not only earn enough coins but to earn those coins faster in order to purchase the item before anyone else can. One NGNInsights customer does phone, email and chat customer support and they offer a store item that allows the agents to only be in the chat and email queue for 2 weeks. But they only offer one of these special items each month and it is by far and away the most popular item among the employees. In speaking with the Contact Center, they say that even more than the 2 week break from being on the phone, being the employee who was able to earn the coins and purchase the item is a bit of a status symbol.
9 - Add Recognition on Top of Store Purchases

10 - Fun Items Employees Want but Might not Purchase on Their Own
Self-care or indulgent items:
• Massage or spa-day coupon
• Higher end restaurant certificate
• House cleaning or maid service
Household items:
• Alexa or Google smart device
• Ring doorbell
• Smart lamps or lightbulbs
• High end towels
• Ad-Free music service – Amazon, Apple, Pandora, Spotify, Tune-In
• Wine of the month
• Butcher box
We hope that this article helps you in your research and decision on whether or not to run a Contact Center employee store or how to get the most out of what you are already doing. If you are interested in learning more about how NGNInsights can help you motivate your agents with scientific based gamification including running a high-quality store you can Contact Us today for a demo!