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Intelligent Call Recording with NGNCloudComm

Effective call recording is paramount for contact centers striving to provide top-notch service while adhering to data privacy regulations. NGNCloudComm has ushered in a new era of call recording, offering an intelligent solution that ensures both customer satisfaction and regulatory compliance.

Intelligent Call Recording from Grupo NGN for contact centers sets a new standard in call recording, ensuring comprehensive coverage, data privacy, easy accessibility, flexible retention, and affordability.

What sets NGNCloudComm's Intelligent Recording Apart?

100% Interaction Recording Coverage

With NGNCloudComm's intelligent recording system, every single interaction (calls, video, chats, Social Media, etc.) is recorded, ensuring comprehensive coverage. This invaluable resource empowers contact centers to review interactions, identify training opportunities, and resolve customer issues with unmatched accuracy.
January 01, 2021
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Set Your Rules on Recording Coverage

With NGNCloudComm's intelligent recording system you can also define how and when to record interactions and in what format. Sometimes not every interaction is worth saving. Automating that process helps you save time and money!
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PII and Payment Information Exclusion

Grupo NGN takes data privacy seriously. Personal Identifiable Information (PII) and sensitive payment details can be configured to be excluded from the recorded content. This feature not only ensures compliance with data protection regulations but also alleviates concerns about mishandling sensitive customer information.
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Easy Access and Retrieval

The platform offers multiple avenues for accessing recorded interactions. Recording files can be conveniently accessed through the call history, manager console, or retrieved automatically through API calls. This flexibility ensures that contact center agents, supervisors, and analysts can quickly locate and review the relevant interactions they need.
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Storage-Based Retention

Unlike arbitrary time limits, the system maintains call recording files based on storage capacity. This means you won't lose important data due to space constraints, ensuring that valuable insights are preserved for as long as necessary. This approach also simplifies compliance with industry-specific retention regulations.
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No Extra Cost

Intelligent Recording it's not an add-on service incurring extra costs. Instead, it's included in the standard licensing package. This cost-effectiveness makes NGNCloudComm's solution accessible to businesses of all sizes, without budget constraints hindering the ability to benefit from the powerful recording capabilities.
January 01, 2021
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NGNCloudComm Intelligent Call Recording

Get started with us

Our Contact Center Intelligent Recording solution represents a significant leap forward in any operations. With its 100% interaction recording coverage or rules based, capability to exclude sensitive data, and easy accessibility through various channels, it empowers businesses to enhance customer service, agent training, and compliance with data privacy regulations.

The storage-based retention approach ensures that critical insights are preserved, without being constrained by arbitrary time limits. Perhaps most impressively, this comprehensive solution is included in the standard licensing package, eliminating any additional cost concerns.

NGNCloudComm’s commitment to innovation and compliance makes it an ideal choice for contact centers looking to thrive in the competitive landscape while ensuring data privacy and quality customer service.