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How Grupo NGN Earns 5 Star Customer Satisfaction Ratings

Call Center Customer Satisfaction starts at the top and is a key to our success at Grupo NGN. We are proud to have an award-winning industry leading CCaaS solution, NGNCloudComm, but we are also proud to maintain our 5 Star Customer Satisfaction rating.

Are you happy with the customer service provided by your CCaaS provider? How quickly does your provider respond to your support requests? In this blog post we will go through an actual support ticket and show you how we stand behind our motto “Let Your Imagination be Your Only Limitation”.

Recently a ticket came in from a customer when an agent was unable to call their internal IT desk phone number because it was too early in the morning. NGNCloudComm’s business rules automatically ensures compliance with federal laws as well as with internal business practices. This means that even when an agent tries to dial a number – if there is a rule prohibiting that call (IE – the number is on the DNC list, its too early or too late after curfew calling hours, etc.) NGNCloudComm won’t allow the call to connect. This protects your Contact Center from human error and allows agents to focus on the most important aspects of their job. Agents can focus on closing sales or providing support without having to remember complicated legal and business rules because those rules are enforced automatically.

This is a common ticket that our support team will receive. It’s not a bug in the NGNCloudComm system, rather it’s a request for help on a feature or setting. Our SLA is to reply to non-urgent tickets within 1 business day. The actual average response time is under 4 hours and this ticket was initially replied to immediately. Once the exact phone number that needed to have an exemption from the curfew rule allowing agents to call it anytime for their IT desk was confirmed, the number (and the rule) was updated. The whole process was completed in less than an hour.

Here are screenshots of the original ticket and the follow up from the Grupo NGN support team:

Original Ticket

January 01, 2021
01:20 PM

First Grupo NGN Reply in only 5 Minutes

January 01, 2021
01:20 PM

Notifying the Customer to Verify the Update:

January 01, 2021
01:20 PM

Customer Confirmation:

January 01, 2021
01:20 PM

Important notes:

  • The ticket came in at 9:22 AM – it was first replied to within 5 minutes with a follow up question to verify the exact 833 number.
  • The update to exempt the number from the automatic curfew business rules and allow agents to call it 24/7 was completed by 10:30 that morning.
  • The customer confirmed the next morning that agents could call the number outside of curfew hours.

Great Call Center Customer Satisfaction requires a number of factors. By combining a solid CCaaS platform with a rockstar support team, Grupo NGN and NGNCloudComm earn the highest customer support ratings in the industry. If you would like to learn more about Grupo NGN and NGNCloudComm please contact us for an introductory call and demo.

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