Grupo NGN has released an update to NGNInsights (2.7.3) with new features including specific customer requests. The release is now available to all customers. NGNInsights customers receive all feature updates as part of their licensing at no additional charge.
Customer Requests
Automated Daily Data Export
Per a customer request we have added the ability to automate a daily export of selected data. This option is found under Setting -> Agent Performance -> Export Settings
Users can select which data points to include in the file and to append the file name with the date or to use the same file name each day to overwrite the file each day.
Files will be exported to the customers “Downloads” SFTP file server where they can then decide how to handle the file.
Tooltips for Agent Award Comments
Agents can now hover over their awards to see any comments provided by their supervisor.
RoadMap Updates
Real Time Data Load Performance
To support the growing demand for NGNInsights we have updated the backend of our real time data feed. Customers will notice a difference in the loading speeds of their real time data and tiles. We have also now set the defaut page option to the “Daily” screen. Customers can go to Settings -> Contact Center -> Additional Settings to set the default page and set a custom time frame for the Real Time Data refresh rate.
A/B Option Added to Leaderboard Display
For customers using A and B benchmarks, supervisors can now toggle to view the leaderboard for both the A and B values. Agents will not see any B benchmark data or leaderboard results.
Additional Options for Points and Leaderboard Tile Data Display
NGNInsights customers can now select to show either Total Points or Points/Hr for the lower right hand corner. For the Leaderboard data in the lower left hand corner, customers may select from any of the Leaderboard data points to use as the “default” Leaderboard data result shown on each tile.
If you have any questions about using NGNInsights you can reach out to support@grupongn.com. If you are interested in adding NGNInsights to your contact center please contact our sales department at sales@grupongn.com or call 844-GO-GRUPO (844) 464-7876.